Sunday, 31 October 2010

My First Post!

Hi everyone!!

I'm Jennifer Stano, and I may not be a celebrity but I live the life of one. I shop at the same stores, use the same DR's, drive the same cars and travel to the same places. Here I'd like to share what celebrities won't: makeup secrets, what I'm wearing, where to get it, and tips & tricks of the 'inside crowd'.

A few things about me:

I live in Beverly Hills, CA where I am the owner and designer of Have Faith Swimwear. I'm engaged to a wonderful and handsome man who I love and adore. I have a shoe fetish; my favorite designer is Christian Louboutin. I love makeup and follow a daily skin regimen. I'm obsessed with my car and keeping it clean. I have 5 dogs: a maltipoo, a pomeranian, a yorkie, and two dobermans. I'm a hands on woman, so I do clean up after them when our staff isn't here (yuckie at times, but I do it!). I am also a domestic woman, so I do household chores and pick up after my fiance Alki! Every Sunday, I do the bills (my momma taught me well). I'm 'girly', funny, loving, and a dork at heart. I am spoiled, but not a brat; I appreciate everything I have, and enjoy sharing about it. I'm open about things I've done, and what I plan on doing. So please feel free to ask me almost anything; I enjoy helping and making others feel good about themselves.

I'm new to this blog thing so please bear with me. I make daily updates to my twitter so follow me there as well. :)

I hope you enjoy my blog; can't wait to hear from you!

xx Jennifer
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